Release of mvvmFX version 0.3.0

We are very proud to announce the release of the new version 0.3.0 of mvvmFX.

We have a bunch of interesting changes and new features. The most notable feature is probably the new FluentViewLoader. This is a fluent API that can be used to load views instead of using the overloaded methods of the old ViewLoader.

With this version we have dropped the support for Java 7. This makes the development of the framework easier because we can profit from the new features of Java 8 like Lambdas. We think that most modern JavaFX projects will use Java 8 anyway and most of the other useful frameworks like ControlsFX are requiring Java 8 too.

There are some API-breaking changes too. First of all we have moved our main classes and interfaces that are needed to load Views into the package de.saxsys.mvvmfx. At the moment our framework is still in a beta state and therefore API breaking changes are possible. But we are looking forward to stabilize the API in the future.

You can see the full changelog at the release section of github.