Version 0.4.0 released

Today we have released the new version 0.4.0 of mvvmFX.

This time the focus was on the extension modules for Guice and CDI. We have done a lot of work to unify the API of both modules so that it’s easier to switch between these dependency injection frameworks.

Additionally you are now able to inject more JavaFX stuff into your components out of the box, i.e. the application parameters that were passed into the app or the primary stage. This way it’s easier to create modal windows in your application: Simply inject the primary stage and set it as parent in your View.

Another big point on the list was to create a more extensive example application to show the usage of mvvmFX. We have created a Contacts-App that also integrates other community libraries and frameworks like DataFX, ControlsFX, Advanced-Bindings, AssertJ-JavaFX and fontawesomeFX.

The contacts app is based on our CDI module. We have used CDI events to trigger the dialogs and other actions.

Now there is a maven archetype available that can be used to setup a new mvvmfx-based application in seconds.

You can see the full changelog at the release section of github.